Retirement Target Date Portfolios
What is a Target Date Portfolio?
Retirement Target Date portfolios are a unique, long-term investment solution that is ideal for investors who have a good idea of when they wish to retire. Regardless of how old you are or at what age you wish to retire, choosing a Retirement Target Date portfolio can be done by simply identifying the closest target year in which you intend to finish working.
All Justwealth Retirement Target Date portfolios follow the asset allocation progression outlined in the Glide Path illustration. In the early years of the glide path, the portfolio’s asset allocation is quite aggressive, capturing the potential for higher returns while you have a long time horizon prior to needing access to your funds. As you draw closer to your retirement date, your portfolio gradually becomes more conservative as you prepare to begin drawing down your retirement assets.
In the year of your retirement, you have two choices at Justwealth: continue emphasizing growth of capital in your retirement account; or, begin the drawdown phase by switching to one of our high income retirement portfolios.

Why Consider Investing in a Justwealth Retirement Target Date Portfolio?
Retirement Target Date portfolios remove a lot of the investment decision-making by managing your investments appropriately over time, relying on the glide path structure and professional portfolio management provided by Justwealth. With this pre-planned approach, your risk level will always align with the current stage of your retirement planning journey!
Increased simplicity does mean compromising in other areas, however. By assuming a pre-planned asset allocation transition, you lose the flexibility to alter your path and you will by default assume a risk level that is deemed appropriate for the “average” investor. If you have unique retirement plans, or feel like your risk comfort level is significantly different from the average person, then you should consider using one of our standard target-risk portfolios.
What Justwealth says about our Retirement Target Date Portfolios
Are You Ready To Invest in a Retirement Target Date Portfolio?
When you sign up with Justwealth, you are assigned a Personal Portfolio Manager to guide and assist you in choosing the portfolio solution that works best for you. Regardless of which portfolio you choose, Justwealth always uses a robust investment process, emphasizing best-in-class Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) to construct your low-cost portfolio.

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