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Advisor Frequently Asked Questions

How do fees work?

We have flexible payment options.

You and your dealer will set an annual referral fee level that we will collect on behalf of you from your clients. Referral fee options include: 0.25% |  0.50% ⎟  0.75% ⎟  1.00%.

In addition to the referral fee, Justwealth will charge your clients a discounted annual investment management fee of 0.40%*. Both fees will be combined and shown as one simplified fee for the client and charged monthly.

*Subject to minimum fee of $10 per month.

What is a Robo-Advisor?

Robo-Advisor is a term that was adopted several years ago to describe a firm that provided online wealth management services.  The reference to “robo” is due to the highly automated nature of enrolling clients into investment portfolios.

Who is the Justwealth Advisor Partnership Program for?

  • IIROC Advisors
  • MFDA Advisors
  • Fee-only Advisors
  • Insurance Agents

We allow you to spend more time focusing on your client relationships and prospects by leaving investment, administration and compliance related duties to Justwealth.

Are all of my clients eligible to open up a Justwealth account?

Justwealth is able to provide service to residents from any of the ten Canadian provinces, 18 years of age or older. At this point, we are unable to provide service to residents of the three Canadian territories, or non-residents.

What account types can my clients open with Justwealth?

We are able to provide service for any of the following accounts types:

  • Non-Registered
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plan
  • Spousal Registered Retirement Savings Plan
  • Tax-Free Savings Account
  • Registered Education Savings Plan
  • Locked-In Retirement Account
  • Registered Retirement Income Fund
  • Spousal Registered Retirement Income Fund
  • Life Income Fund

How will Justwealth support my business?

  • Product: Access to over 60 rigorously-constructed, ETF portfolios conveniently grouped into 5 families – Domestic Growth, Global Growth, Income, US$, RESP Target Date.
  • Brand: We will create a unique access page for you and your clients with your name and logo prominently placed.
  • Resources: The Justwealth Advisor Portal is your one-stop shop for resources that help you grow your business: market commentaries, webinars, useful guides.

Will I have access to my client’s account data?

You will have 24/7 online access to aggregate and client-level data. You will always know how your clients’ accounts are invested and how they are performing so that you are informed and can continue to manage your client relationships effectively.

How does compliance and administration work?

Justwealth will take care of all compliance and administration related to your clients’ Justwealth assets:

  • KYC
  • Statements
  • Tax receipts
  • Pre-authorized contributions
  • Electronic funds transfers
  • Transfers-in-kind

How does Justwealth construct its portfolios?

We take a goals-based approach to portfolio construction. That means we build each portfolio using advanced statistical analysis including optimization, simulation and stress testing, to create an asset allocation policy that maximizes the probability of meeting your clients’ financial objectives. After we determine an asset allocation policy, we will search for the most appropriate, low-cost ETFs available to match the allocations defined by the asset allocation policy.

We currently offer over 60 different portfolios, each of which receive the same level of rigour and analysis in portfolio construction. Justwealth recognizes that investor preferences for growth, income, capital protection, time horizon, taxation status, currency, and risk tolerance can vary greatly. We have taken the time to create portfolios that are suitable for a large number of investor types, not just five or ten like most providers.

Who is Justwealth’s Custodian?

All assets are held in an account in your client’s name at our custodian CI Investment Services Inc.

Have a question? Call us at 1.866.407.JUST