When we produced our document, Five questions you should ask your financial representative, we actually had seven questions that we thought were relevant, but it made the piece a pretty... read more →
At Justwealth, we expend a lot of energy and produce a lot of communication materials that focuses on educating investors about some of the troubling aspects of investing their hard-earned... read more →
I was recently reading through an industry publication and came across some news that an investment firm, F-Squared Investments Inc., had filed for bankruptcy protection a few quarters ago. As... read more →
Does your financial representative only contact you once per year (usually in January or February) with nothing much to say other than “Are you planning on making an RRSP contribution... read more →
Many people employed in the financial industry are aware of the term “robo-advisor”, but for the average Canadian, this term probably conjures a range of possible images, likely with some... read more →
Hello and welcome to The Just Word, the blog page for Justwealth. The mandate of The Just Word is to publish relevant and meaningful content in the area of personal... read more →